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- B.A. Biology, University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA, USA
- M.A. Biology, Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA, USA
- Dr. Philos., University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway
- Antarctic Service Medal, 1983.
- Sponsored scientist: SCOR/SCAR 4th International Symposium on Antarctic Biology; Wilderness, S.A. 1983.
- NAVF Stipiend (Dr. G. Knutsen, University of Bergen, Norway). Temperturvirkning på mikroalgers fotosyntese. Deres fotoinhibering og kvanteubytte. 1988-1991.
- Provasoli Award nominee for Hewes et al., 1998, J. Phycol. 34(6): 945-951. 1999.
Contributions to Promoting Diversity: For 1997-2008, I was involved with the NOAA Antarctic Marine Living Resources program as the primary scientist aboard ship (Russian vessel) conducting phytoplankton ecology studies in the Drake Passage, Antarctica, for 2-3 months per year. Our collaboration with Chilean Professors involved their students participating in our expeditions, during which I taught and mentored various analytical and methodological techniques for phytoplankton (and microbial) ecology as performed at sea.
- Hybrid pond/bioreactor for mass algal cultivation
- Algal size-class determination (Hewes, 2009).
- Experimental algal culture (Hopkinson et al., 2007).
- SSR客户端--教程众及下载(推荐) - 小猴子:SSR客户端--教程众及下载(推荐) 请大家使用小猴子专用客户端,小猴子专用客户端可众实时自动更新节点和节点测速功能 ... SSR-电脑 原版教程 Last updated 9 months ago Edit on GitHub ...
- Quantitative nanoplankton analysis: FTF technique (Hewes and Holm-Hansen, 1983; Hewes et al., 1984).
- Synthetic marine algal culture media (Schmidt, A.M., M.A. Borowitzka, and B.E. Volcani. 1981. Morphogenesis and Biochemistry of Diatom Cell Walls. In (Kiermayer, O., ed.) Cytomorphogenesis in Plants, Cell Biol. Monogr. 8: 63-97).
2. Database construction:
- Twenty years of weekly phytoplankton species abundances from five Pacific coastal stations as recorded by W.E. Allen (1920-1940). SIO Ref: No. 01-12; http://repositories.cdlib.org/sio/techreport/1.
- Eighteen years of oceanographic and phytoplankton data from the South Shetland Islands area, Antarctica (Antarctic Marine Living Resources program, NOAA).
3. Teaching/supervising during various journeys/expeditions in Europe, South America and Antarctica.